Monday, March 25, 2013

You'll Never Stop Loving Us, No Matter How Far We Run

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     It isn't just our choice, we don't wake up and choose it, and for sure we don't want to live our lives this way but it is our inherent nature to turn away from God. Our souls and inner beings are naturally evil. I don't mean supervillan evil but instead worldly evil. We don't naturally turn to God but instead turn away from Him daily. Living in this success, money and power driven culture we are taught that the absence of God is okay. We don't need Him to function daily which is why in our schedules there seems to be an absence of Him. Think of it as running a race. The finish line is there, but we are constantly running the opposite direction away from God naturally and we pile so much stuff on our plates it makes it seem okay that God isn't there.

When we wake up and start our day the world is on our minds for the most of us. Here's your average adult schedule:

6: Wake up
6:15: Really wake up
7-8: Get ready for work/breakfast/kids/be at work
8-9 to 5-6: Work
5-8ish: Supper/Kids/Getting home/sports/chores/homework
Around 9ish-Slowly start the zombie relaxed mode and into me time. Some don't get me time because some are on the move straight until bed.

Okay so that's tentative and sloppy and it's different with everyone but can't you see some reflection of your schedule in that mix? I know I can. What's so disheartening is that within the schedule, where did I make room for God?

I know it is a lot to ask to try and add an additional outlet to our busy schedules but I mean if we are Christians, God has to be in there somewhere. We have to make room for God. When we get home or even when we wake up. At SOME point, we have to make room for Him. If God sent His son, a human being just like you and me, who suffered offering up His life for the sake to save our petty, undeserving human souls then we can't even give Him 15 minutes? Has America grabbed us and brainwashed us so much that God isn't a part of our schedule anymore? Yeah, His ministry is my life but I am not perfect and never claimed to be. I mess up and there are some days where I guess I believe I don't have time, or don't make time rather, for God and I promise you those days are a lot less fulfilling then the days I do choose Him. I think it makes sense though. Even though as I mentioned earlier our nature is to run away from God, when we choose God, it makes Him smile and He blesses us with that sense of fulfillment. I think God is saying, "I choose you everyday because you don't understand my love for you, and when you choose me, I share it with you." That right there is the most beautiful depiction in our whole universe. I snatched the title of this post from one of Chris Tomlin/Passion's new album songs called "God's Great Dance Floor". The line is simply what the post title says it is. Its amazing that no matter how many days we wake up and make no time for Him, how many times we turn against God and run our own way (which, people, our own way is the wrong way) that He still opens His arms and NEVER stops loving us. How many people do you know that would still love you constantly even when on a daily basis you stab them in the back? The answer is 0. Just think about that right there. That is a comforting and amazing view of God and his unfailing love for us when we for sure deserve nothing like that due to how many times we turn our backs on Him.

End of Post Prayer:
Thank you God that your judgement isn't like that of ours because if you weren't God, you would've been done with us humans a LONG time ago. Thank you so much for putting up with my backstabbing, sinning and constant failure. Thank you God that you never stop loving me, no matter how far I run.

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