Thursday, January 31, 2013

Not Our Calling, Our Commandment


     How will the world change? We know the world around us isn't exactly in tip top shape. Granted the world has never been in tip top shape and most likely never will be. Why is that? It is because we are sitting back and complaining instead of actually doing anything about it. The world is on a downhill slope towards decay and devastation. The group that needs to be leading this revolution of thought and change is the group that is doing the worst job at it. The Christians. Yep that's right, you and me. In Matthew, Jesus gives us a calling as some would say but it is actually a commandment. Let me reiterate the Great Commission for those of you which it has slipped your mind:

"18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”" -Matthew 28:18-20
Okay lets examine a few key elements of these verses.

Verse 18
     We know by reading verse 18 that Jesus has been given all of the authority in heaven and on earth. This means that pretty much whatever he is fixing to say will be said with authority. What is given with authority? Commands. So, let us then move onto verse 19-20 understanding that out of the word of God's mouth pours authority and that we should stay tuned because whatever is coming up next is of the greatest importance.

Verses 19 & 20

     I like how it starts off with the word "Therefore". What that means is that whatever I said is very important, but here is what I want you to get. It is almost a transition word that connects one establishing themselves to then something of grand importance following. Like for example "I am the principal of this school, therefore I am letting school out 30 minutes early." So with that being said the next word is the most important of the whole Great Commission in my humble opinion: "Go". It doesn't mean. "Ehhh well I will examine all of my options and see if I feel like actually 'going' and making disciples" or "Well I mean that's for certain people but not for me so I will let the next guy do it". That makes me sick to be honest with you. There is nowhere in the Great Commission that excludes some people and includes others. Yes Jesus doesn't say the words "all humans', but like most things that Jesus says He doesn't only mean that it is for the select few. It commands ALL of us to "Go" without any exception. God has granted everyone a spiritual gift to not just sit on but actually use for winning souls. We are all commanded to baptize them in the name of our Father, and to teach them everything that Jesus has commanded us. With us doing this He will be with us always and forever.

    Am I perfect? Nope. Do I need to be out there winning souls right now? Do I need to make that the sole priority of the vapor of a life I live? Absolutely yes. If you aren't a Christian then you don't have to worry about this. Although if that is of something of interest to you, I will be willing to talk to you whenever and wherever. If you believe something different, I will listen too. I don't judge. I treat the Christian and the Atheist the same. And we should, but that's another blog post for another time. Point is that if you have opened your eyes and your heart to see that Jesus is your Savior and made Him Lord of your life, and also believe that someone else will do the work instead of you, that is not an accurate depiction of the Gospel. Every person who brings Christ into their lives and follows Him not only is commanded to go, but should feel happy and joyful about going and doing so.

    How will the world know that God is good if we don't outreach to our broken world? A select handful of Christians can't do it. A Christian is not someone who lights a fire with their dangerous tongue and professes their love for Jesus in the next sentence. (A common Facebook occurrence I might add). A true Christian is one who accepts the radical grace exhibited by Christ, who feels the yearning to experience and partake in extravagant worship, and do so all for the glory of God alone and wants to do that until their last fighting breath. Let's be these Christians God commands us to be. Let's get out our dusty Bibles, stop living the Christian life that we think may be suitable enough just for us to get by or to "slide on in". Let's break the mentality of the next guy doing it because that never works in any situation, and let's ALL get out there and GO ourselves and spread the Gospel of Jesus. The world cannot afford it any other way.

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