Saturday, June 8, 2013

Words To Live By (John Gray)

(Google Image Search: John Gray Minister)

     This is an excerpt I wrote as a transcript from a sermon titled "Dominion" from The City Church in Seattle, Washington by a pastor named John Gray. It is relationship advice for husbands, wives and even single individuals. These are powerful words to live by. Every now and then I will transcribe sermons (Titled always as "Words To Live By" followed by the speaker's name) but this is my first because it is so important and essential to me. I hope you think so as well.

" Men of God, when you begin to speak, God put you in a position to start functioning in greatness. The Bible says it's not good for him to be alone, to make a helper suitable for him. For the married men in this room let me let you know what the enemy has tried to do. The woman that God has breathed favor on is right next to you. I don't care who has nice perfume and keeps telling you how handsome you are in your nice cotton dockers at work, that is the devil, Proverbs 7, she's looking for a victim. I'm speaking life to the men of God that you will walk in integrity so that we have power when everyone is looking because we have lived a life of holiness when no one was looking. Men of God, God determined, He said I will make a helper suitable for him, God placed everything you need in the wife of your choosing. You don't understand the power of the woman that is next to you. May God give you eyes for the beautiful and full power of the woman that you chose. You didn't even realize you chose a woman that was 3 sizes too big for you. What I mean by that is that you are growing into the anointing that she carries. When you saw her you thought you were marrying one thing, but what you didn't know is that she has multiple places of favor on her and as you continue to mature she will be able to go with you wherever you go. Many men who don't serve God marry a woman for where they are, but didn't marry for where they're going. When you walk in dominion you will realize that the woman that you have next to you is uniquely designed by God to help you meet destiny in every area of your life. When you understand the power of your dominion you understand that your wife is not a different species, she is the rest of you. She is a man with a womb, a wombed man. She's not a different person she's the rest of you, came from inside you. God took something from you, to make someone for you, to bring someone to you, to birth something through you. Your wife is a garden, and whatever you sow that's what's going to grow. You want more love? Sow more love into her. You want more patience? Be more patient with her because she's a garden and whatever you sow she has to produce. When you give her groceries, she makes it dinner. When you give her a house, she makes it a home. You give her a seed, she makes you a child. A woman is designed to produce and maximize what God's man is doing on the Earth. I want to celebrate every woman of God that is about to walk in a place of generosity and a place of power and abundance and overflow like never before. Somebody say dominion..."

Here comes my favorite part...

"...Where the single people at? Lift your hands. Let me say this to you. For the single women in here continue to walk in integrity because men of God are looking for dominion minded women who are worshippers and will live a holy life. [AMEN!!!] The Bible says he who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord. It didn't say he who finds a girlfriend, who he begins to date, who he then gives a ring, who he then proposes to and gets married. Your not a wife when I marry you, your a wife when I find you. Your my wife when I marry you. Wife is not a ring its the presence of a devoted heart. Wife is not a title it is the statement of your character. If you want a husband, carry yourself like a wife. Otherwise you'll have the spirit of girlfriend and little boys will play with you. Somebody say dominion."

Watch the whole sermon in its entirety at this link:
[Its completely worth it trust me!]

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