Saturday, June 8, 2013

Why Am I Here? What Is My Purpose?

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Ahh now this is an age old question right here. But I think it needs to be covered so lets dive in.

How many of you readers of mine struggle with knowing exactly what your calling is on this planet or why your even on this Earth? I know I do. I mean I may seem like I am intelligent perhaps and know where I'm going in my life but I certainly do not. By the grace of God I will hopefully live out my passion because I know I am destined for greatness in whatever I do. No that is not pride or some sort of narcissist mentality because I also know that you are destined for greatness too. Whether you're reading this and are 14 or 54 it all started from one verse at the beginning of the Bible in the formation of the person that is you.

"And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being" Genesis 2:7

That my friends is what you have inside of you. Well not what rather but WHO. You have inside of you God DNA. That's right, beforehand all you were was dust, even dry bones, but then God "breathed into [your] nostrils" and now you have Him inside of you. From God's breath you became a human. So no your not just by chance, your not a monkey gone wrong, and your no walking biology experiment or evolution question mark. You are a human being breathed into by the only God and meant to fulfill a specific purpose because inside of you is the imprint and likeness of God. His DNA of greatness is in you.

Because of this alone you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to. Sound like a cliched mantra?  Well its not because its completely true because Ephesians 3:20 tells me so.

"Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us" -Eph 3:20

So now we know that through God's power that lives within us we are able to do "abundantly beyond" all that we can ask or think in our measly human minds. Whenever you think you can't achieve this or that your neighbor works at your passion better than you, just remember that you have to make that first step towards your passion for you to even start to be successful. How can you know if your peers can be more successful in life at whatever your passionate about if you never try it yourself? Now that is only the humanely inspirational side, here is the spiritual inspiration. Not only are you a God-breathed creation as derived from Genesis but because you ARE compiled of God DNA now you can achieve abundantly more than anything you thought you were going to put your human mind too. If our passion and purpose is God centered, that is if what we are passionate about we carry out but do so being a light for Christ, then He will make us blossom in whatever that is. I mean if your called to be in business but never show one shed of light for the name of Christ then you can't expect God to be on your side when your not on His. Yes He never fails you but you have to live in Him and put all of your faith and trust in Him thus producing the true fruits of the labor you put forth!

I know that this blog post can really be a huge 900 page novel about the philosophical purpose of why we are here and what God has called us to do but the calling is really simple. Your calling in life is the Great Commission which is this:

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." -Mat 28: 19-20
Okay so there's your calling. Everyone is "called" to do the same thing and achieve the same mission put forth by God for His followers. How you choose to carry out your calling is by whatever passion you possess. That's why you can still do what you will in this life by the specific God breathed, unique thumbprint that is you and your passion, but whatever your passion may be will achieve abundantly more with God on your side. More than you can even imagine then.

So next time you are wondering what you are here for remember this. You are not average, you are a God-breathed creation. You have dominion over all of the Earth and it is your domain. How you choose to live your life determines your own successes. The purpose of your life here is to proclaim the name of Christ to other believers, to disciple them. How you do that is up to you and that is the beauty of choice my friends. You can do whatever you want. So becoming caught up in the world can help you in no way, shape or form. Pondering too long on the importance of your successes and about what YOU yourself achieved or haven't achieved yet only starts it off in the wrong mindset. A life apart from God is a gamble, and one that mostly wins in the favor of the Dealer (the devil). So to successfully tune your life strings and feel complete, start out by learning to read the tablature of God and then the perfected instrumental orchestra sounding will come forth later when you least expect it but also when you most deserve it.

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