Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Where did God Come From?: The Fishbowl Theory

     So, I used to lay awake at night at my dad's old house and think and worry about this question. My mind could never comprehend that if we were created, if everything was created, by God, then where did God come from? I mean, how can God just appear from nothing? Where did he come from? So I sat and thought about it and thought about it. I did some research, created my own theory, and then I decided to put it together to share. So after a lot of decisive thinking, and suggestions from multiple review boards and scholars, I decided to brilliantly name my theory The Fishbowl Theory......

Okay, so not that impressed. I understand, but don't worry I'll explain! Let me start it out by saying this. Our minds cannot comprehend this question whatsoever. Yep, so just by asking this question, it is unanswerable by our minds. You see, God exists outside of space, time and matter because He created space, time and matter! When you ask that question, the first word of the question automatically puts limitations on God.

"Where" and "When"
     When you say where, or where you say when, you get the same meaning. The words "When" and "Where" are words that put a limit on whatever follows or comes before them. Those words set limits of time when they are used. When are you coming? Where are you going? Where did you go? When will he be here? Where did God come from? When did God appear here? The last two questions we cannot comprehend because they exist in a human's mind, not a mind as complex as God's. The limitations do rather.

The Fishbowl
   Okay, in a normal fishbowl you have fish, and us humans can interact with those fish. We can feed the fish, remove them from their world after death, cleanse their living environment of sickness by cleaning their tank. Those fish cannot understand us. They know we are standing there, something is standing there rather, and they are intrigued.

We Are the Fish!
     If you didn't figure it out already let me explain. In my analogy, we are those fish. God can clean out our sickness, He can feed us (with the Word), he can remove us from this world when we die. We know He is there, that something is there, but we can in no way comprehend how He thinks.

So when we find ourselves asking unanswerable questions that lead to circular reasoning, then we know we should just stop. We need to get off of our high horses and just remember that God has laid out his promises simply, and nothing near as complex as we make it. Follow Him, or not? Its that simple. No, we are not suppressed to think only on the level of someone with a low IQ, that isn't what I'm saying. What I am saying is that we are not to question God, we can't sit here and ask unanswerable questions because our minds are not near as complex as the One who created our minds. Just remember that next time you start to question God and His plan.

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