Friday, October 19, 2012

Suffering: What Can We Do to Help?


 Wow, such a big topic. In every country of this world there are suffering men, women and children. How can an individual suffer and also think God is there for Him, that He sent a Savior for their life, and is Almighty when they can't even keep a relationship, keep food on the table, or keep their head on straight? You know, God only has one plan to deliver hope to individuals. He only has one plan to let people that are suffering know that He is good. It's us. There is no backup plan in God's back pocket, we are THE only plan of hope to EVERY man, woman and child on this entire planet. Did you think about that? The woman at your work that is suffering with her child and abusive husband, you are the light for her. The man who cries at night wondering why he can't amount to anything in the eyes of anyone, you are the hope for that man. For the children that can't keep enough food on the table, you are the hope for them. By offering up yourself to act like Jesus in someone's eyes, then that shows them what being a child of God is about, and how it can change their life too.

    Unfortunately, I have only led one person to Christ so far that I know of. Maybe and hopefully more but only one that I know of. This individual came up to me at church on a Wednesday night after service crying a few years ago and said something along the lines of "How can I feel what your feeling?". I explained that it's incredibly easy. God created you for a reason, to live your life out as a warrior for His word. All you have to do is to make a conscious decision to decide to believe in Him. Our minds sometimes over complicate this world, and think so many things higher than what our minds can comprehend and we try to act like gods ourselves, which causes us to question even the existence of the God. We have to rid ourselves of that problem we have, and just embrace God and let Him embrace us. Open our lives to Him and then you will see His work in yours. It's seriously that easy. I experienced a guy broken, but you know what touched me the most? The fact that I touched his life. I didn't just touch it, I CHANGED it. If I can do that to my American neighbor, one that possesses the luxuries that I have, in the same culture as me, what can you do to someone less fortunate? His curiosity was sparked, but some people need Jesus to survive for the next day. They need the water that can make them never thirst again and its so easy, its SO easy to tell them about Jesus. They NEED Jesus. If you give someone food, that's the first step, but to give them hope, that is an over abundance of satisfaction that will change their life forever. So BE the change, go be who God made you to be. Start small if you have to, just by letting that person who is suffering know you are there for them, but telling them about God and what He can do to make it that much better is what will complete their satisfaction. Once they've been there, and told about Christ, and brought out of it by Him alone, then they will join our army too. Happens almost every time.

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