Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Actual vs. Budgeted Christianity

     In business we have certain lingo to describe our sales and our hours scheduled. This is Actual vs. Budgeted. I'll break it down a little bit for you.

     If I have a schedule of 40 hours a week, that is what I am "budgeted" to work. In other words, I am projected to work for this amount of hours this week. If I end up working 37 hours, that is my "actual" hours worked. Make sense?

     God has budgeted us a certain lifestyle in His word. We are called to spread the word in the Great Commission to pretty much live a life like Jesus in all of our ways. We are called to love the Lord our God with all our heart, mind, soul and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

     Good news is that in retail, if we do not follow budget then we are not fired, but maybe we are gotten on to, like a slap on the wrist. If we go under hours that is a benefit because that saves the company money, but if you go over budgeted hours then someone is getting overtime and then that costs the company more money to pay for that employee.

     If we live up to the guidelines that God laid out for us in His word then that is great and we will live life more abundantly and filled with joy and blessings because we follow His word. If we fall short and are still saved by His grace and a follower of Jesus and only in that way, we are not "fire"d but instead we live life a little less blessed and receive a little slap on the wrist from God (The Holy Spirit) disguised as a conviction of the heart. That means that we feel guilty, as a good adjective, for going against His word and commandments.

    God wants us to live by budget. He wants us to thrive in life and live according to His word and guidelines laid out so simply for us in the Bible.

God budgeted a life for us that is summed up very well in this verse:

     "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies. Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil. -1 Thessalonians 5: 16-22

     So, walk in freedom and abundance living in the life God budgeted out for you in His word. It is a difficult life, but a blessed life and highly favored in the eyes of your Savior. 

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