Thursday, January 23, 2014

The God-Saving Us Story.

     Guys, check this out. There came a time when God was in heaven and looking down on His creation. He saw the line of human thought and behavior now tainted by  a "broken beyond repair" sort of sin. There was no more animosity, no more passion, and while chaos and turmoil ran wild you know what He decided to do? When man decided to substitute himself for God, which is a sum definition of sin, God substituted himself for man. Let that sink in. To save humanity, He made Himself the perfect by-product of the alter ego of humanity at the time which was a perfect man. A living, breathing, full functioning "hey look at what I made you to be" now here on earth. A man-God radiating love, passion and a heart boundless and free. God came to reset the timeline, to flip the switch from humanity needing saving producing a savior (boom here's God-man) to now God-man has arisen and isn't here and instead we are now left with a lesson to be learned and followed. A conclusion and end-story made from a God who substituted Himself for man while we were substituting ourselves for Him. So what do we do with this unfathomable act of love and kindness? We put ourselves higher on pedestals. We strive to become the next God-man. We build idols (pop culture, money, success, fame, what have you) and on a daily basis substitute ourselves for God. So since we know rationally that's imaginary, we can't be God, we now have a problem. There will be no more God-man to walk around and save our sinful nation. It is up to plain man. It is up to the sinful humans to lead OTHER sinful humans to the now arisen God-man. Am I the only one blown away by this? But is this goal unreachable? No, but true answer: Daily Double. God knows us (our doubts, conditional love, and our unwilling nature to lead people to Him) AND His love beats out ours. His love is present for us continually, and no we don't understand it because our love is conditional, having to fit certain standards before we love, but His isn't. So we have a task, to tap into this unconditional love and lead others by example to knowing the perfect God-man Jesus, a Great Commission as He calls it, and it's a goal. It's this. To have men lead other men away from God-substitution and into God-permanence. That just means to stop putting God where you want Him when you want Him and sinning the rest of the time by substituting yourself as God, and to make Him where He wants Him all the time He wants Him there permanently. Got that? Thus making Him no longer needed for substitution when you are practicing God-permanence. If we do that, people can change people when they are in a state of God-permanence. You can lead people to Christ when you are not trying to BE Christ but to behave like Him. Love like Him. Teach like Him. Lead like Him. That is what makes God's heart smile and puts true Christians back into the soul-saving, discipleship making business. So here's the scene. There's a God in heaven. A God-man named Jesus in heaven. And a Holy Spirit here in us. That is what leads us to practice this God permanence and lead others to Christ through this Spirit of love and kindness inside of us. Through that we can save humanity again. Because man saving man is pointless and impossible without some sort of divine aid. That Spirit is in us, or available to us if you are not already aware of it, and we have a goal now. One set by the God-man. So let's do it. How will you practice God-permanence tomorrow?

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