Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Jesus Is Not Justin Bieber

(Artwork Credit: The City Church & Judah Smith Jesus Is campaign. This is my interpretation of filling in the blank. And others below Google Images.)
(Content Credit: Mostly me but some of "not a fan" novel by Kyle Idleman)

     Backstreet's back alright. As I was watching a sermon from The City Church this morning in the background was Good Morning America on the television set. Although I made it through the sermon in full attentiveness, I could not help but glance at the TV screen every now and then and see women wearing shirts made by themselves, ribbons in their hair, video cameras rolling, screaming protruding from their mouths even before they went on stage, handmade signs and posters, bedazzled hats, they had it all today. These people are hardcore fans of The Backstreet Boys. I'm talking about hardcore fans. This isn't the only group. Think about Justin Bieber fans too. Look at these pictures.

     These are known as Beliebers. These girls are literally weeping and screaming their hearts out for the Biebs. Some people follow him around on his tours and strive their hardest to win time with him or meet him, or even go to lengths to try and storm over barricades to even touch him.

     Does this make anyone else want to gag? I mean I don't necessarily care that people are fans of people. I understand we all enjoy different types of musicians, bands and actors. I go to concerts, The Walking Dead filming and all of that and after this post maybe I can blame myself some for even doing that. Although I am a normal fan of things like that, isn't there a line people are crossing that is sort of sickening? When we think of what these fans are that Jesus followers aren't then that is what makes me cringe.

Bieber fans: -All gather to see him
                    -All go to great lengths to get to his concerts
                    -Decorate themselves with Bieber memorabilia
                    -Spend time making signs, painting their body, doing their makeup all for Bieber.
                    -Some try and break the law just to touch him, or actually just to get near him.
                    -People cry in his presence.
                    -Some people would go to GREAT lengths for him.      
                        **Warning most of those on that website are sickening and disturbing.

Jesus followers: - (Crickets)

     I mean that is truly the saddest thing and yes that is not the case for some but it is for most. Would we as followers of Jesus do any of those things listed above for the one that brought us from death to life? We may would all gather to see Him of course.  But the commitment of Justin Bieber fans is actually ridiculous. Bieber cannot offer his fans anything except teen pop hits and look at how they all treat him. Look at all of the things I listed there. All of those things are examples of followers and believers in someone who can offer them nothing but music on their iPod.

     Jesus gave us eternal life by dying for us and our commitment to Him is incomparable to the commitment of Bieber fans. Think about that. One lady on that website I listed actually said she would "give her soul" for Justin Bieber. I mean come on now! What has this world come to?

What can Justin Bieber offer you? -Arguably some good music to keep on your iPod

What can Jesus give you? -Peace, Joy, Healing and I could go on but the most important is LIFE.

     Jesus can give you life. We were once dead and Jesus said "Hey I can take your sin, your DEADNESS and bring you to LIFE. I can absolutely rock your world by making you free from the bondage of death by breathing life into you so you can be a faithful servant for me." After that promise and that commitment from Jesus, He looks down and is saying "Why is Justin Bieber getting what I should be getting and he has offered you nothing?" Wow that is something isn't it? I mean to think about Bieber fans and their commitment to him and his concerts is ridiculous. But if your going to follow Jesus, don't be a fan, be a follower.

    That's just the thing. Those Beliebers are just fans. They may be EXTREME fans but they are fans. As much as they love him and would mostly want to marry him I doubt that these individuals would actually give up their ENTIRE lives to follow Him and live traveling by his side. Some may, but the majority of those screaming fans still have to go home that night after the concert and get back to their daily lives. The Bieber Fever will wear off eventually and then they will move on to the next teen pop star. These girls will go home, wipe off their tears, take off their Bedazzled hats and go back to school the next day. They are not followers but fans of his.

     Dont be a fan of Jesus. Fans are people just like that. They are hyped up one day at church and then go home the next day and pretend like they don't know Jesus. Its like once the Bieber Fever is over, they will move on. Whenever church is over on Sunday, we move on. We pretend like we didn't just hear the Gospel of Jesus that will save our souls but instead we just got out of a Justin Bieber concert. Jesus Is Not Justin Bieber. We are called to be servants and followers but not fans. Fans move on the next day. If you have received this news of the Gospel, it is news that has brought you from DEATH to LIFE and you cannot let go of that. You can't just move on the next day and get back to your normal lives. It is impossible. If you really have received all He has given. If His glory has come down to you and His mercy and saved your soul, you have new life and you can't keep that quiet. That is something you can't move on from on the next day, no next teen pop star will save your soul or offer anything for you except a picture on an LCD piece of plastic in your pocket called a smartphone. These fans are better fans than most of us are followers. That is saying something. Why don't we get this wound up about Jesus and the gospel? We should go to great lengths to proclaim it! Don't you think Beliebers go to great lengths to see him and attend his concerts and tell their friends about him? Don't you see the problem here? Yes there isn't a Jesus around to attend his "concerts" or gatherings and do you know why? It is because he DIED for you. That is why you can't travel around with Him it is because He travels around with YOU. Inside of you is Him, and inside of Him is you. Its a big web of love and grace and the response we give him is Sunday church? I'm almost done but I want to finish with this thought. Think about Justin Beiber fans. If you loved Jesus as much as Beliebers loved Bieber then we could change the world. Think about that.

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