Thursday, November 29, 2012

Be Careful Where Your Pendulum Swings

From Google Images

There are two sides to every believer. Let's use the symbolism of a pendulum to look at both sides.

The Far Left Side of the Pendulum Swing.

         On this side are the Law extremists. This is the side where the DO NOTTERS sit happily and they love telling you exactly what you cannot do as a Christian. Your NOT supposed to do this, or NOT supposed to do that as a Christian. If you DO this or if you DO that you are sure to burn in hell! If you ever mess up and say a cuss word, your going to HELL! If you have a tattoo, your GOING TO HELL! I have this extremely long laundry list of things you cannot do, and I will judge you if you do them and if you do, then your going to hell! Your life needs to be perfect ALL OF THE TIME!!! These are the people of what we do not like which is what we call "Legalism". Nobody likes all that legalism. You can't watch these movies, you can't listen to that music, you can't wear that kind of makeup its too much, you can't drive that kind of car. And these people love boasting about how they came into their relationship with God and that everyone else's coming forth needs to be just like theirs, magical and full of me showing off MY list of "Can't Do's" that I didn't ever do.

....See those people before? Haven't we all?

But also, the far right side can be just as dangerous.

The Far Right Side of the Pendulum Swing.

          This side can be just as dangerous as the other side. This side consists of the Grace extremists. Yes it is true that God sent his only son Jesus to die for our sins, so that by his grace (n.-a special favor or privilege) that He sent His son so we can live in the faith (a belief with a strong conviction) that God provided us with. Okay yes that is right but also these people who are the extremists of this case believe that they have a "license to sin". Whatever I do is justified because I am saved, Jesus will forgive me, all is okay so I will keep on doing it. These are the people that say they are Christians, they believe it fully, but their lives do not reflect their beliefs. And if your life does not reflect your beliefs, then aren't you wasting your time proclaiming you believe them?

What to do?

It is living in the tension of the two that is what is required of us. I could explain it first but I will just lay out a verse that does it much better than I can and then explain the verse.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works,which God prepared in advance for us to do" -Ephesians 2:8-10
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith-and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God-"
         Okay, we like that. We see that and we know that. We know that by a special favor or sacrifice sent from God that we can be saved, and through a special and strong conviction in what the History Book and God himself says, we can be saved. And that this salvation of sorts is from none other than God. It is a gift from him. Alcohol, drugs, sex, Oprah, Obama, Romney, Kim Kardashian, or any other idol cannot do it, it is a gift from God. We get that, okay, next.

"not by works, so that no one can boast."

        I love this part of the verse. So many people boast about the works that they did or do in their lives. Some say I ran across the Sahara desert to feed every child in India, look at meeee! Loooook at meeee! ME ME ME! People who are like this love boasting about their good works. Its funny though because God says right there that it is not about how much you have done, so that no one can boast, the promise is what you do through God.

"For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus"

       PREACH ON!

"to do good works. Which God prepared in advance for us to do."

        Gulp....uh oh. But I thought it wasn't about good works? Well, it is about works that you do in God, the works in His name yes, but it is not about BOASTING in those works. You are no better than your neighbor so telling your neighbor that you are will only make your neighbor despise you. We all sin and that is just it. We will never be perfect but we try our hardest to glorify the name of God in our everyday lives. It is so hard but we are called to do it. God did this for us, we are His creation, we can live our lives for Him. It is the hardest thing to do in today's society, oh we know that, but we are still called to do it. So we have to just try our best is all we can do. We are not called to boast about our works, just do them in the name of God alone. We are not to boast about how we came to God and what he did or how magical it was because some people's coming forth to God could actually be scary and very life altering and maybe not so magical for them. Whether magical or not, it is still beautiful so don't be scared to share it, just do not boast loud about yourself because when you do that God frowns upon it and trust me, so does everyone around you. In this world today it is a battlefield and all we can do is try our best to live by the Word and by God, and if we really do that, if we really try, God will smile down on us, if we are humble about it though and do not boast.

Monday, November 12, 2012

A Bondservant: What is it?

A "doulos", or bondservant is a servant who serves without wages, or out of his or her own free will. A little history. Back in the common time of bondservants, individuals would approach a home and decide they want to serve that house and its family for the rest of their life without receiving wages, but just because. For whatever reason, a family debt owed, the spirit of volunteering, or some other reason unknown, a family, man, or woman even would just decide to become a slave to the household out of their own choice. So to make the agreement a little more permanent, the owner of the house would take the man, woman or family and hold their head up to the door of their house and pierce their ear with some sort of ornament piercing that represented that they belonged to that home. So, how does that relate to us at all?

James 1:1

"James, a bond-servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ,
To the twelve tribes who are dispersed abroad: Greetings."

Let's just look at this piece of scripture from James. It describes the ordinary man named James, the half-brother of Jesus, as a bond servant of Christ. This means that James was called out to be a servant of Christ. He decided with his own will to pierce his ear to the door of God. He decided to whole heartedly follow his half-brother Jesus, after the revelation that He was God. This was during the Roman oppression time period, that made all of the tribes scatter because of how strict the rule was. James still stood up and took the role he was divinely called to do. He was called to be that bond servant. He was called to pierce his ear to the door of heaven and live his life as a servant, in times of extreme pressure and hardships, of Christ and to follow Him on his own free will.

That is what we are called to do. We are called to be a bond servant like James was. We can't just "believe" in God. Those people that say:

"Oh yeah, I believe in God. Oh yeah, the Bible's great, its really cool. Yeah I believe in the cross, and I believe in Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Yeah I believe it, I do, I really do believe..."

Well congratulations! You took the first step, now go scatter and live that belief out. Jesus calls us to live in a love relationship with Him. It is more then just believing it is living. And to live in God, to live in that life walking with Jesus is exactly what we are called to do whole heartedly, and on our own free will. God did not create us as a slave forced to follow Him. We have free will to choose to serve Him or not. But...if we take that initiative. If we choose the first step to believe in Him, it is then our duty as believers to become followers. We are called to be that bond servant. Here is my prayer and maybe yours too:

" Lord I want to serve your house. I want to be the light of the world that you called me to be. I am ready to have myself 'pierced' with your word on your lips and your fire in my heart. I want to serve your house like you have called me to, for the rest of my life here on earth and forever in my heavenly home as well."

Its a hard prayer but if we choose this road, it has to be our prayer. If it isn't, if we choose not to live what we believe, then why even believe in something you won't live by? Just don't go around proclaiming it if you don't live it. Don't waste your time. We have to be a bond servant for Christ and it may be and feel near impossible and you better believe it is hard to do, but it is a necessary goal in our Christian walk. So, join me in trying to make that a reality? I know I won't regret it when I get to that point. Hopefully you won't either.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Trinity? Okay, I Don't Get It.

Gooooood morning everyone. I thought I would start out your day with a thinker this Sunday morning. Have you ever wondered what the Trinity really is? How can God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit all be one? If it doesn't make sense to you then well, guess what? It doesn't to anybody so your not alone! It's one of those unanswerable questions like the one I posted about previously on my Fishbowl Theory. In our minds, it is impossible to really know or understand the concept of the Trinity.

Here are the three parts pulled from the website in an article where a user asks that same question. Here is the three parts broken down simply from that website's article:

  • God the Father's role is to generate things. Things originate with him and flow from him. God the Father is equal with the Son and the Holy Spirit, but things start with him. The Father sent both the Son (John 3:16-17) and Holy Spirit (John 14:26) into the world.
  • God the Son's role is to pay for our sins with his blood, which he did on the cross (Romans 5:9). The Son also acts as a lawyer for us before God, acting as a "mediator" between us and God (1 Timothy 2:5), and speaking "to the Father in our defense" (1 John 2:1).
  • God the Holy Spirit has many roles. The Spirit helps us pray (Romans 8:26-27). He gives us new life (John 3:3-6). He is our Comforter, and he helps us understand God's word (John 14:26). He lifts up Christ (John 15:26). He convicts us of sin (John 16:7-11). He helps us to live holy lives (Romans 15:16). He gives us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). He helps us share our faith (Acts 1:8). And he lives inside us (Romans 8:11).
Okay so now you know the roles, I'm sure that helps you get it right? Nope, still not? Okay well I only have one thing to say to you.....your still normal! Yayyy! We aren't supposed to get it, or really it should be said that our human brains just cannot comprehend it rather. When we think of something in our minds, in this world, we think okay how can one thing really be three things, but all three at the same time existing simultaneously? That's the point where we start to drool because we don't understand it. All I can leave you with is this which may or may not help. It started with God, then he created a human being, but also that human was God himself in human form. He came to be a visual representation of God in a human form for the world to see. Then, after the ultimate sacrifice on the cross, Jesus died and returned into God's presence in heaven. Now, there is the third part that works in our lives personally today, in our lives after the death of the human form of God that was Jesus and that is the Holy Spirit. How I know to describe it is a soul for our soul. A personal decision and also spiritual entity that lives within us, by choice, for us to live and carry out our lives.

God- The creator and originator
Jesus- God in human form for the world to know and see and record in a history book as a physical being
Holy Spirit- What exists today on this Earth, a spiritual entity directly intertwined with our lives.

I know that doesn't answer much really, but it sort of helps me to get it a little better. But overall, we cannot understand God and he means for it to be that way. We have to keep that awe and wonder about Him or else He would just be another "thing". So we as humans can't get it, maybe we will one day in heaven, but for now we just have to realize that's what God told us is true, and that's just how it is. Don't over complicate it, just embrace it.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Anxiety: You are Not Alone! Your God is with you!

                                                            Picture from CreativeCommons:  Alaina Abplanalp Photography 

    I heard a story from a preacher last Sunday about his problems with anxiety. He said he used to lay awake at night with a dark cloud over his head, in a cold sweat, every thought being amplified ten fold blasting in his head. He said to combat the cloud he would worship God, he created a song to sing just during the cloud. Every night when 2:30 am came, he would sing "Let faith arise....Let faith arise....Be still there is a healer, His love is deeper then the sea, His mercy is unfailing, His arms a fortress for the weak." He would sing this over and over. He said it still went on and still lasted. He said wouldn't it be great if he woke up the next morning and God had completely healed him? Well that didn't happen. He said the miracle isn't that God jumps when we say jump. It is not that God heals right when we ask him to. No, the miracle is that through it all, through all the hardships we sustain ourselves and still worship God at the end of the day. Isn't that powerful? So he then said that it became at night Cloud...Song...Cloud....Song... But before long he started singing the song even before the cloud came. He said it was Song.....Song...Cloud......Song....Song....Song....Cloud. It became gradually longer until he rarely gets them any longer. So who is this pastor?

His name is Louie Giglio. He is the leader of Passion City Church and the Passion movement. The worship leader Chris Tomlin made the song "Let Faith Arise" out of Louie's song he sang every night while he laid awake having anxiety attacks. So, if a pastor and leader of hundreds of Christians struggles with anxiety like every other human, does that show you your not alone?

I am blessed to not be an outward worrier. I don't fret and stress about things, but on the inside I am eat up with it. It affects my digestion and stomach. It also affects my skin with breakouts. I know I am being vulnerable here and some of this stuff you don't want to hear, but I need you to realize that your not alone. I want you to know these two things to start with:

You are NOT crazy.

Your are NOT alone.

When you lay up at night stressing out, when you go to the hospital with anxiety attacks, or when you overly stress about anything just know you are not alone. Maybe our situation wasn't as bad as Louie Giglio's where he would go to every doctor because he suffered and they could never tell him what was wrong. But we all experience anxiety on some level. So this is what I really want you to get from this:

You may struggle with anxiety but God is BIGGER than anxiety.

   We are told to lay all of our burdens on Him. That is what we are supposed to do. We are supposed to give Him all of our burdens and walk away joyful. That is hard though isn't it? It is extremely hard to give up our burdens and exchange them for joy. But that is exactly what we are called to do though.

Also, know that God is YOUR God.

"Do not fear, for I am with you;
Do not anxiously look about you, for I am YOUR God.
I will strengthen you, surely I will help you,
Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand."
Guess what? God isn't just God, he is YOUR God. He loves YOU. So when your stressed out and freaking out, He knows you! He knows exactly what your going through! He knows it, He just wants you to acknowledge it and give it up to Him personally. So, from this post I want you to get three things in conclusion.

1. If your stressed, your not alone and your not crazy.

2. God is bigger than your anxiety and stress, all you have to do is give your burdens up and Believe!
3. God is YOUR God, He is here for YOU. Just embrace that and live it, and your on your way to becoming a warrior for the word. Combat fear with worship.